



Nightly Appearances of a Beautiful Woman? An Eternal Scenic Spot

Long ago, in this beautiful valley, there lived a pair of giant serpents. They caused much trouble, so the male serpent was defeated by a monk from Ishite-ji Temple. (You can still see its skull in the temple’s treasure house today.) The female serpent survived and continued to cause trouble by transforming into a beautiful woman every night. Eventually, she was also defeated by a noble samurai and is now enshrined in a nearby shrine.
What I want to convey is that this place is a scenic spot so beautiful that it gave birth to a legend of a beautiful woman. And even knowing you might be deceived by such beauty, it’s a place you can’t help but want to visit.

Area Information


住所〒790-0842〒791-0122 愛媛県松山市末町乙231−1