


萬翠荘は、大正11年に旧松山藩主の子孫にあたる久松 定謨(ひさまつ さだこと)伯爵が、別邸として建設したものです。この純フランス風の建物は、当時最高の社交の場として各界名士が集まり、皇族方がご来県の際は、必ず立ち寄られました。萬翠荘は戦禍を免れ、建築当時の様子をそのまま残す貴重な建築物として、本館と管理人舎の2棟が国重要文化財に指定されています。建築その物も美術品ですが現在は、絵画、掛け軸、伝統芸術品、各種イベント、個展を随時行っています。 

An Iconic French-style Mansion, Proudly Preserving the Taisho Romanticism for Today’s Japan

Bansuiso, built in 1922 by Viscount Sadakoto Hisamatsu, a descendant of the former lord of Matsuyama, served as his villa. This purely French-style building was the epitome of social gathering places at the time, attracting dignitaries from various fields, and was always visited by members of the imperial family when they came to the prefecture. Escaping the ravages of war, Bansuiso’s main building and caretaker’s lodge, which retain their original appearance from the time of construction, have been designated as Important Cultural Properties of Japan. While the architecture itself is a work of art, the venue now hosts various events such as paintings, hanging scrolls, traditional artworks, and solo exhibitions. Experience the scent of history in this Western-style mansion that continues to evoke the romance of the Taisho era.

Area Information


住所〒790-0001 愛媛県松山市一番町3丁目3−7