


“とことんこだわる”そんな職人さんの情熱が込められた橋が石手川の渓谷にあります。ひっそりとした場所にあるため、通りすぎないようご注意を。見つけたら”橋の形”に注目です。一見『ただの橋』に思えますが、実はすごい橋。よーく見てみるとアーチを支える“柱まで”アーチなんです!—見えないところまで美しく― 細部にまで心を行き渡らせたデザインはまさに和の心。控えめでありながらも堂々としたたたずまいは日本土木会によって土木遺産に認定され、見る者を惹きつける美しさがあります。誇り高い橋でありながら、渓谷に静かに溶け込む奥ゆかしさもまた風流です。

The dedication and passion of craftsmen embedded in the bridge

There is a bridge in the valley of Ishite River, infused with the passion of craftsmen who pursue perfection to the fullest. Located in a quiet spot, please take care not to pass it by unnoticed. Once you find it, pay attention to its “bridge form.” At first glance, it may seem like “just a bridge,” but in reality, it’s quite remarkable. If you look closely, even the pillars supporting the arch are arch-shaped! —Beauty extends even to the unseen parts— The design, meticulously crafted down to the smallest details, embodies the essence of Japanese aesthetics. Despite its modesty, its dignified presence led it to be recognized as a civil engineering heritage by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, possessing a captivating beauty that draws in viewers. Proud yet gracefully blending into the tranquil valley, it exudes a refined elegance that is truly Japanese.

Area Information


住所〒791-0123 愛媛県松山市宿野町