



Cute Musubi Balls! A Power Spot for Love

Near Dogo Onsen, there is a small shrine filled with colorful and adorable musubi balls. Each ball carries a heartfelt wish from its owner. These photogenic musubi balls are handmade with care by local residents, and their gentle colors and soft textures bring a sense of warmth and comfort.
In this town of words, you can also try your luck with haiku love fortunes. The “Haiku Koi Mikuji” lets you draw a fortune based on love haikus written by past poets. Among the 60 haikus, there are even some sad ones like “Your lover bids farewell and leaves…” What fortune awaits you is up to the great Jizo. Located just near Dogo Onsen, why not stop by during your stroll after a relaxing bath? Experience the thrill and fun of trying your luck with haikus about love. May everyone’s wishes come true.


Area Information


住所〒790-0837 愛媛県松山市道後湯月町4−49