湯湧き、胸踊るひととき!アートにのぼせよう(道後温泉別館 飛鳥乃湯泉)



道後温泉に別館があること、知っていますか?2017年に開業した「道後温泉別館 飛鳥乃湯泉」。聖徳太子や斉明天皇も訪れたとされている道後温泉の伝説から、飛鳥時代をイメージした湯屋です。本館と同様の源泉かけ流しの”美人の湯”に浸かりながら、プロジェクションマッピングも堪能できるアートな浴室です。湯上がりには休憩室で愛媛の伝統的工芸品を鑑賞しましょう。

Hot springs bubbling, hearts racing! Get immersed in the art

Did you know that Dogo Onsen has an annex? Opened in 2017, “Dogo Onsen Annex Asuka no Yu” is a bathhouse inspired by the Asuka period, drawing from the legends of Dogo Onsen, which were visited by historical figures such as Prince Shotoku and Empress Saimei. Like the main building, it offers natural hot spring water renowned for its beautifying properties, and you can also enjoy artful projection mapping in the bathhouse. After your bath, you can relax in the lounge while admiring traditional crafts from Ehime.
This place is more than just a hot spring; it’s an art museum where you can take a bath. Experience a luxurious moment here, and enjoy the unique blend of relaxation and art.

Area Information


施設名道後温泉別館 飛鳥乃湯泉
住所〒790-0842 愛媛県松山市道後湯之町19−22